July 2022 Reads

Loving the show, I decided to give the comics a shot. Loved this first volume. Feel like I really need to read more since this was just establishing Kamala and the characters.

4 Stars

Emily Henry knows how to write a romance. This book was so good. Even almost a month later, I’m still thinking about this book. When Nora and Charlie bantered, I couldn’t keep a smile off my face. Their attraction was palpable and leapt off the page. The ending defied tropes and made me giddy. Everything about this book was perfection.

5 Stars

Touching memoir about a daughter and her grief over losing her mother to cancer. The story of her and her mother’s relationship was touching. I loved when she began talking about learning traditional Korean food as a way to feel closer to her mother after she died.

5 Stars

Was the tiger real? Were the stories real? These are questions I walked away from this book with. The book was heartbreakingly beautiful. The hope Lily had when trying to fix her grandma, the heartbreaking moment when everyone realizes there is nothing to be done, and the hope at the end with continuing with traditions all made this book remarkable.

4 Stars

Fun story about men who read romances to try and fix their relationships. It was funny and sexy and I rooted for Gavin and Thea the whole book.

4 Stars

Fun fake dating romance. Hilarious dialogue and the characters were great. Loved everyone in this book especially the side characters. Felt everyone got what they wanted in the end without having to compromise their character. Laughed out loud several times. (BOTM)

4 Stars

This book was so good. Daunis was such a great character. I loved her growth throughout the book. Her love for her community was astounding and really drove the plot. Her relationships felt organic. Very much felt the thriller vibe throughout. I was kind of hoping for a better, less realistic ending, but I still liked the one I got. (BOTM)

5 Stars

The book was pretty standard Rear Window trop for about 70% of the book, which made it feel tired and cliche. However, after the “twist” the last 30% of the book was edge of your seat. Overall the book was good, but nothing too memorable.

4 Stars

Okay, after a second volume, this book is really fun. I’m really enjoying the comics, even though they are completely different from the show. I really like Kamala and I like discovering her powers and her limitations. I’m really looking forward to reading the next volume.

4 Stars